FAA Airman Medical Certificate Application

FAA Airman Medical Certificate Application

Picture of Jackson Barnett
Jackson Barnett

Principal Attorney

Pilots who are completing the Application for Airman Medical Certificate (FAA Form 8500) by using the MedXpress online application are asked to provide detailed health and criminal history before they go for an examination with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME).  The FAA medical certificate application requires the pilot to disclose prior and new medical conditions, medications, visits to healthcare professionals, and arrest and criminal history. The Application relies on an applicant’s honesty in self-disclosing his or her medical and criminal history, especially any information about possible disqualifying medical conditions. The Application contains medical and legal language that in some places is clear and concise and in others general, vague and confusing. The 8500 form can be confusing and potentially cause legal problems with the FAA if not completed correctly.

The aviation lawyers at Barnett Law Offices can provide confidential pre-submission review of the pilot’s FAA Airman Medical Certificate application. The review includes a discussion of potential problems associated with new medical or legal issues that concern a pilot. In addition, our firm conducts thorough reviews of pilot medical records, criminal records (if necessary), reviews current NTSB administrative law, and provides the pilot expert advice on how to appropriately disclose medical and criminal history to the FAA.  We perform the necessary research for pilots BEFORE they make disclosures to the FAA on the application to make sure the disclosures accurately reflect the true status of the pilot. If a potential issue is discovered, we develop a plan to place the airman in the best possible position for certification.

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The aviation attorneys at Barnett Law Offices, deliver outstanding legal services, listen to your needs and goals, and keep you informed. If you would like to talk with one of our aviation attorneys, please call us at (800) 578-5512 or write to us using our contact form.