FAA Emergency Order Of Revocation

FAA Emergency Order Of Revocation

Important decisions need to be made immediately upon receipt of a FAA Emergency Order of Revocation or Suspension. Such emergency orders can jeopardize a pilot’s or mechanic’s career, or an operator’s business, with serious financial and legal consequences. Emergency Orders are full of accusations and legal terminology, they demand the surrender of licenses and/or certificates, and hefty financial and legal penalties if not replied to in a timely manner.

Understanding FAA Emergency Orders and Their Impact

FAA Emergency Orders are issued under the extraordinary power of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to address urgent alleged safety concerns. The FAA orders emergency revocation or suspension of certificates, in the interest of aviation safety and public safety. It’s crucial to respond swiftly and appropriately to these demands to avoid severe repercussions.

Example Letter of an FAA Emergency Order of Revocation

To give you a clearer idea of what an FAA Emergency Order of Revocation entails, below is an example of such a letter. This example illustrates the kind of communication you might receive if faced with an emergency revocation or emergency order of suspension of your aviation certificates.

Summary of the Example FAA Emergency Order of Revocation

An FAA Emergency Order is a critical measure taken under emergency authority when safety in air commerce is at risk. This order demands the immediate revocation or suspension of your aviation certificates, including airman medical certificates, and Pilot licenses or Certificates, due to alleged violations of Federal Aviation Administration regulations.

Key Elements in the Example Order

  • Revocation of Certificates: The order includes a directive to the certificate holder revoking their aviation certificates and requires the immediate surrender of these documents. This action is taken to address violations that pose a threat to public safety.
  • Nature of Violation(s): The order details specific Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) violations and dangerous actions, such as failing to adhere to safety regulations or conducting unsafe operations that endanger lives or property. Another common reason for a revocation order is an issue with an airman’s medical certificate.
  • Immediate Response Required: The notice mandates that the airman act swiftly to comply with its terms, including surrendering their certificates. Delays or failure to respond can lead to further legal consequences, including substantial financial penalties.
  • Opportunity for Appeal: The airman may appeal the revocation or suspension as legal recourse. This involves filing a response which may lead to a hearing with a NTSB Administrative Law Judge to challenge the revocation or suspension of the certificates. Engaging with aviation counsel is crucial to navigating this process and protecting your ability to fly in the future. A thorough review of the order’s details and the responsibility to respond promptly can impact the outcome of your appeal.

The Appeal Process: From FAA to the National Transportation Safety Board

At Barnett Law Offices, our attorneys act swiftly to protect the rights of certificate holders facing FAA emergency orders. We understand the urgency of the situation, as shortened time limits apply and require prompt professional responses. Our team will guide you through the appeal process, starting from the FAA inspector level, moving through the NTSB Administrative Law Judge appeal process, and, if necessary, appealing to the full National Transportation Safety Board and the US Court of Appeals.

Why Choose Barnett Law Offices for FAA Emergency Orders?

Barnett Law Offices is comprised of aviation attorneys who are also pilots. Our Firm provides nationwide legal help for airmen, operators, and mechanics. As aviation attorneys who are also pilots, we know that the airline industry and the law surrounding it create a lot of complicated legal issues.

Protect Your License and Career: Contact Us Today

Don’t risk your license and your certificate in the hands of a general practice law firm, or one in which aviation is only a small part of their practice. Only a dedicated aviation attorney knows the particular subtleties of the industry and the FAA. We will begin at the FAA inspector level and continue through the NTSB Administrative Law Judge appeal process, including an appeal to the full NTSB Board as well as the US Court of Appeals. Our firm provides nationwide legal help for airmen, operators, and mechanics, ensuring you receive the qualified representation necessary to navigate the emergency action and appeal processes.
If you have received an FAA Emergency Order of Revocation or Suspension, act fast.
From legal fight to legal flight, nobody can get you there as effectively as Barnett Law Offices. So if you’ve received an FAA Emergency Order of Revocation or Suspension, contact us to schedule a confidential consultation with an aviation attorney on your matter. Call 800-578-5512 or complete the contact form.

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