Pilots’ Disclosure Of Alcohol And Drug Offenses

Pilots’ Disclosure Of Alcohol And Drug Offenses

Author: Jackson Barnett, Principal Attorney

Pilots’ Disclosure of Alcohol and Drug Offenses: An airman who has been involved in an alcohol or drug related offense usually faces strict FAA scrutiny in the medical certificate application process.  The events to be reported are specifically identified in Item 18.v. of FAA Form 8500-8.  If “yes” is checked, the applicant must describe the arrest(s), conviction(s), and/or administrative action(s) in the EXPLANATIONS box. The description must include:

“The alcohol or drug offense for which the applicant was arrested, convicted, or the type of administrative action involved (e.g., attendance at an educational or rehabilitation program in lieu of conviction; license denial, suspension, cancellation, or revocation for refusal to be tested; educational safe driving program for multiple speeding convictions; etc.); The name of the state or other jurisdiction involved; and The date of the arrest, conviction, and/or administrative action.”

Please see our DUI information page.

The Aviation attorneys at Barnet Law Offices deliver outstanding legal services, listen to your needs and goals, and keep you informed.   For a confidential consultation on your matter, please call our pilot lawyers at (800) 578-5512 or write to us using our contact form.